a little bit about
brooks wise

Brooks Wise LLC was started in April 2021. The company is named for my son Brooks Wise “Bandit” Dillenger as it’s all about providing for family.

We started with a house across the street from our house in Spartanburg. We sold this home to a lady that was looking for a new start in life. She decided to do the remodel herself and it turned out amazing. From that point, I was hooked on real estate with a passion for helping families achieve their dream of owning a house.

I’ve had the opportunity to help family’s owner finance properties and purchase them through traditional financing. Also, I’ve had the opportunity to assign contracts to families of projects I wasn’t going to get to in a timely manner. The goal of Brooks Wise is finding forever homes for people that might not have traditional bank subsidized loan options but definitely have the passion and desire to own a home.

brooks wise is
the wise Home Choice